Posted inDividend
Mahalaxmi Bikas Bank paid a cash dividend of 6.47% to shareholders.
Mahalaxmi Bikas Bank Limited (MLBL) has delivered 6.47% cash dividends straight to its shareholders' bank accounts and asked them to dematerialize their shares. On Poush 29, 2079, the firm had its 21st AGM for the fiscal year 2078/79. The board of directors approved a 10.47% dividend for fiscal year 2078/79. The 548th board of directors meeting, held on Poush 01, resolved to issue a dividend of 10.47% of the Fiscal Year 2078/79. Similarly, a cash dividend of 6.47% and bonus shares of 4% were proposed from the Rs. 4.01 Arba paid-up capital. The same cash dividend is now being paid out.