
Suryodaya Womi Laghubitta FPO Closes Tomorrow

Suryodaya Womi Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited (SWMF) is issuing 178,451.18 units of FPO shares, each priced at Rs. 100. The issue, which began on 4th Shrawan 2080, is set to close tomorrow, 8th Shrawan 2081.

As per the Banks and Financial Institutions Act of 2073 and NRB regulations, at least 30% of the issued capital must be held by public shareholders. Therefore, 46,729.5450 units of FPO shares are being offered to the general public. The current promoter to public share structure is 70.36:29.64, which will adjust to a 70:30 ratio after this FPO. SWMF’s current paid-up capital stands at Rs. 91.07 Crores.

Kumari Capital Limited is managing the FPO issuance. Investors can apply for a minimum of 10 units and a maximum of 1000 units.

According to CDSC, there have been 11,31,512 applications for a total of 1,67,66,450 units, leading to an oversubscription by 358.80 times.

CARE Ratings Nepal Limited (CRNL) has rated SWMF with ‘CARE-NP BB (Is)’. This rating indicates a moderate risk of default regarding the timely servicing of financial obligations in Nepal.


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