Another day of thanking god for not making me a Hydro Holder.

Another day of thanking god for not making me a Hydro Holder.


View on r/NepalStock by LordDurge


  1. Same boat. No hydro and finance. IPO ko aali aali hola, hydro ko. Paisa aadeko bhanya Bank/Microfinance matra ho aba which is ~50% of my portfolio.

  2. Hydro ko kunai kunai share babbal buying zone ma chai ako cha… I’m looking at some shares like Ridi, PPCL, MHNL, RFPL and will start buying into them.. Some of these i might hold on to the end of this bull

  3. Paila sabai dubyo hydro dubena aba sabai ek lot uksiyo hydro uksiyena

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