From the 21st Chaitra, Prime Commercial Bank will auction 9,00,000 units of promoter shares to the general public and institutions.

From the 21st Chaitra, Prime Commercial Bank will auction 9,00,000 units of promoter shares to the general public and institutions.

The existing promoters of Prime Commercial Bank Limited are auctioning off 9,00,000 units of promoter shares to the general public from the 21st Chaitra to the 29th Chaitra, 2079.

A total of 9,00,000 promoter shares will be auctioned off. Individual investors, businesses, and institutions can all bid in an auction. The minimum bid is Rs. 130. The promoters’ shares have a minimum bid quantity of 1000 units. Although bidders may bid for the entire issue, they must follow the Nepal Rastra Bank’s rule of not exceeding the specified number of shares per entity.


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