IPO Allotment: Chirkhwa Hydropower Allocates Shares to Project-Affected Locals on 8th Ashwin

IPO Allotment: Chirkhwa Hydropower Allocates Shares to Project-Affected Locals on 8th Ashwin

On Monday, Ashwin 8, the IPO of Chirkhwa Hydropower was allocated to residents affected by the project in Bhojpur District. The distribution of the company’s IPO took place at the office of RBB Merchant Banking Limited, which is overseeing the IPO issuance.

Between Shrawan 28th and Bhadra 25th, the company had offered shares to project-affected locals in Bhojpur District, following approval from SEBON (Securities Board of Nepal). The company had issued a total of 400,000 shares, each with a face value of Rs 100, exclusively for these local residents. As per the notice, all 400,000 units were allotted to eligible applicants.



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