Siddhartha Capital Limited recently concluded the issuance of its closed-end mutual fund scheme, “Siddhartha Investment Growth Scheme 3”. The issue consisted of 12 crore unit shares with a par value of Rs. 10 per unit. The fund promoter, Siddhartha Bank Limited, was allocated 10% (1.2 crore units) of the shares, while the fund manager, Siddhartha Capital, was allocated 5% (60 lakh units). The remaining 10.20 crore units were issued to the general public. The scheme, which has a maturity period of 10 years, is the sixth mutual fund scheme offered by Siddhartha Capital. On Baisakh 17, 80,580,000 units were allotted to valid applicants, resulting in a total scheme size of Rs. 80.58 Crores.
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Allotment of 12 Crore Units of Siddhartha Investment Growth Scheme 3 Concludes; Only 67.15% Units Subscribed