Gorahi cement kaseri cancel garne hou… Family lae paisa fasxa vanera last tharyae
View on r/NepalStock by BVK_101
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There is instructions on meroshare app notice.
Follow the procedure.
I went to bank today for cancellation and have to write application letter along with my citizenship copy.
For cancelling or modifying the applied kitta, one has to visit their bank and write application. AND YOU JUST HAVE 3 DAYS ( including half Friday and Saturday holiday) which makes Sunday last day. ITS JUST THEIR WAY OF SAYING YOU WILL HAVE HARD TIME CANCELLING AND YOU ARE STUCK.
All they have to do is implement a CANCEL button option in meroshare. With investment of crores in meroshare software, it’s just a simple thing they could have easily done.
It would have been better if they cancelled all the application and restart the IPO process? GUESS THEY KNOW THAT IF THEY DO THAT, NO ONE WILL APPLY AGAIN.
It’s just sebon want people to know that they are being fair and providing you opportunity with cancellation. They are portraying to be innocent and not part of this scam.
घोराही सिमेन्ट ईन्डस्ट्री लिमिडेको सार्वजनिक निष्कासन सम्बन्धमा !!!! घोराही सिमेन्ट ईन्डस्ट्री लिमिटेडको सार्वजनिक निष्कासनमा आवेदन दिई सकेका आवेदकले आफ्नो आवेदन फिर्ता लिन वा परिमार्जन गर्न चाहेमा आफ्नो रकम रोक्का रहेको बैंक समक्ष निवेदन दिएर परिमार्जनको अनुरोध गर्न सकिन्छ। यसरी परिमार्जन गर्नका लागि प्राप्त निवेदनको आधारमा बैंकले आवेदकको रोक्का रहेको रकम फुकुवा गरि सो आवेदनलाई पुन परिमार्जन गर्न मिल्ने बनाउनका लागि निष्कासन तथा विक्री प्रबन्धकलाई अनुरोध गर्नेछ। निष्कासन तथा बिक्री प्रबन्धकले उक्त आवेदनलाई परिमार्जन गर्न सकिने (Unverified) अवस्थामा परिवर्तन गरे पश्चात् तपाइले उक्त आवेदन परिमार्जन गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ। यदि आवेदकबाट प्राप्त निवेदन आवेदन फिर्ताका लागि भएमा बैंकले निष्कासन तथा बिक्री प्रबन्धकले परिमार्जन गरेको उक्त आवेदनलाई रद्द (Rejected) गर्न सक्ने छ। सिडिएस एण्ड क्लियरिङ्ग लिमिटेड
Bank jau nagrita bokera. Form dinxa unarule, typ varera deu
I backed out in the last min lol