
KMC Bans 11 Drinking Water Brands After Detecting Fecal Contamination

The Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) has prohibited the sale and distribution of 11 drinking water brands after finding fecal coliform contamination in their samples. Each of these companies has been fined Rs 200,000 and directed to deposit the amount into KMC’s revenue account.

The contaminated water samples were collected between August 29 and September 13. Out of 21 samples tested, 11 were found to have fecal coliform levels exceeding the permissible Colony Forming Unit (CFU) standards, rendering the water unsafe for consumption. Among the banned brands are Fresh Drop, Aqua Peace, Aqua Tokha, Kolbhoteshwar, Aqua DB, and Aqua Mild. Some samples contained coliform levels as high as 300 CFU, far above the government’s zero coliform safety standard.

KMC has instructed these companies to conduct additional testing in government laboratories. Sales can only resume if the new reports confirm zero fecal coliforms in the water.


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