This is a different level of stupidity
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How you guys take care of this all?
Haina yesta jhure haru kasari samsad banna aauxa k!!
OP is misleading everyone by promoting the headline only … request to watch the questionnaire session.
The kind of brain Nepali people have is just mesmerizing😆
Budho ko xora le share kinna birsexa, ajjai low lagayera uthaune bichar ma xa re
What a waste of sperm!!!
THIS type of people must not exists in parliament, stupidity level high wtf..
No wonder a politician who is the follower of late North Korean leader Kim Il Sung says something like this. These inward looking people cannot even see examples of communist countries like China and Vietnam that have prospered after adopting capitalist economic and financial system.
Share ma lagani gareko paisako fix deposit barabar interest diyos, ani j gareni baaal
Here he haven’t said बन्द गर्नु पर्छ. There are their questions and answers
Desh kharej gardiye haisukkai
Tori bajey !
Negative nai vaye sahi kura ta rakhyo samsad ma.
Afule nepotism garna napauera ho ki?